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Technology: how to disconnect while staying connected. I know, it sounds indecisive, wishy-washy, fickle, and oxymoronic. But hear me out. Do you really want to be connected to technology non-stop, 24/7, day in, day out? Really? Why? Or, why not? (For those of you who like to give feedback)
I remember when answering machines came out. It was all the rage and caused quite a stir in the middle-aged community. I loved them, recording my voice mail message on a mini-cassette and hearing how funny I sounded. But oh, the anger I heard expressed form those who swore they would never talk to no dang machine! If I'm not home, you'll just have to CALL ME BACK! Well, those codgers have either passed on into glory or adapted to the times. Now we obviously have social media, cell phones, WiFi, and whatever else is on the horizon. Now even the seniors are DM'ing and Tweeting, some to the point of driving their friends and family insane.
But how do we unplug, disconnect, take a break from all this tech?? And why should we do this? FIrst of all, EMF may or may not be so healthy for our bodies, minds, or energy fields. I encourage you to look this up and arrive at your own conclusions.
Here's an article to get you started: https://www.healthline.com/health/emf
With all this dopamine-secreting stimulation- email notifications, texts, social media notifications, surveys, ADS POPPING UP AS YOU WATCH VIDEOS, Free this and That popping up as you read, do you ever wonder how your attention span is faring? Your ability to concentrate may be sabotaged little by little by the media that keeps you clicking, watching, listening, liking, subscribing, checking, checking, and checking.
That's a problem to me. I need my ability to focus, concentrate, THINK FOR MY SELF. In order to take that back, I need to put my phone or whatever device it is at the moment...down. The notifications will keep coming through, the emails will pile up, calls will go to voicemail (I like it that way). It kind of feels empowering like when you know a relationship is not working and you (not the other person) decide to take back your power and walk away. Only I haven't figured out a permanent way to walk away from tech permanently just yet.
You may -you will- experience withdrawals at first. So take it slow. Try an hour, then the next time try a little longer. If you have kids or someone who must be able to contact you, then keep the ringer where you can hear or feel it on vibrate and disable all those non-essential notifications. Get back to nature, go bowling, take a walk, write some music, practice an instrument, write a letter, have a picnic, swim, sit on the porch and read an actual paper book, bake cookies, rearrange a room, tend to the garden, go for a hike or country drive, play with the kids, anything that does not involve tech telling you what to think, feel, react to, buy, etc.
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